Getting started
dAppBooster is a starter-kit for boosting the development of decentralized applications (dApps). It is build onto the last tools available such us React, Typescript, Wagmi, viem, @tanstank-query, @tanstank-query, vite.
Learn more about the stack.
After more than five years of making decentralized apps, our team at BootNode has put together a simple yet powerful toolkit. This toolkit is designed to tackle the common hurdles and big decisions that come up when building dApps. It makes starting a new dApp smoother, cutting down on both time and complexity while focusing on developer experience, stability, bundle size, and performance. Here are some main features this starter-kit provides:
- Structure: a flexible structure to handle contracts, ABIS, subgraphs and common decentralized components.
- Multi-chain: native support and configuration to work with multiple chains with automatic type safe and super intuitive.
- Wallets connectivity: native support to work with connectkit, rainbowkit, web3modal.
- Decentralized components: Tree-shakable components that any dApp needs.
- Subgraphs: multi-chain subgraphs support with auto generated typed hooks to query data.
You can learn more about the rationale behind the project in the Why dAppBooster section.
Get a clean instance of the starter-kit by running
npx dappbooster dappBooster-firstDapp
Now, move to the project and install dependencies
cd dappBooster-firstDapp && pnpm i
Clone environment variables
cp .env.example .env
Set wallet-connect project ID. You can get one in
edit your .env
by setting your wallet connect project id.
# WalletConnect Project ID
Run the dApp in dev mode and open the link provided by this command in the browser.
pnpm dev
Warming engines
We recommend starting with the My first dApp recipe to see how easy it is to build a DApp with our starter kit. In just five minutes, this guide will show you how to create a DApp that lets you wrap and unwrap WETH on the Sepolia network. This hands-on introduction is an excellent first step to using dappBooster and getting familiar with its components.